CaRCC, the Campus Research Computing Consortium, is an organization of dedicated professionals developing, advocating for, and advancing campus research computing and data and associated professions. Current focus areas include building community among research computing and data professionals, connecting the broader research computing and data ecosystem, professionalization and workforce development, and defining stakeholders and shared value propositions for the community at a time of accelerating change.
CaRCC, the Campus Research Computing Consortium, is an organization of dedicated professionals developing, advocating for, and advancing campus research computing and data and associated professions. Current focus areas include building community among research computing and data professionals, connecting the broader research computing and data ecosystem, professionalization and workforce development, and defining stakeholders and shared value propositions for the community at a time of accelerating change.
During the Nexus Day event, held July 10, 2022 in conjunction with the PEARC22 conference, we held an all-day workshop to address student workforce programs and staff onboarding and workforce development practices. Although we intended to spend much of the time addressing both the staff and student workforce issues together, we quickly determined that breakout sessions specific to staff or … Continue reading “Nexus Day Staff and Student Workforce Development Summary”
Mark your calendars for the below People Network Calls in January (Zoom details at the end). For handy calendar entries, please try the CaRCC Events Calendar. We’d also like to highlight other calls from our RCD Ecosystem partners and collaborators, as these events touch many, if not all, in our community. Additionally, note that we are repeating the CaRCC Parade this year, … Continue reading “People Network Calls to Ring in the New Year!”
A reminder to join us for the CaRCC End-of-Year Party on Thursday, December 9, from 1-2:30pm ET, in lieu of People Network track calls this month. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in two breakout room sessions (switching half-way through the call) with activities organized around the following: