Something Different for August – Joint Track Calls!

For August, we’ll do something a little different, with two opportunities for cross-track conversation. (These are in lieu of track-specific calls, which are otherwise canceled for August.)

PEARC20 After-Party: August 4th @ 1:00pm-2:00pm ET 

(at the usual Data-Facing track meeting time)

Be sure to join at the top of the hour to finalize topic-based breakout rooms. We’ll use a Blackboard Collaborate session, which has a feature for breakout rooms that participants can move between, freely. Potential breakout topics suggested by our track coordinators are listed below:

  • Conference Feedback
  • RCD Professionalization
  • New Applications Tech
  • New Systems/Services Tech
  • Communicating about RCD Resources
  • Review of Sessions about CaRCC Activities
  • Happy Hour (whatever that means to you)

The Blackboard Collaborate session and a Google Doc for notes have been shared via email to the entire People Network, as well as a calendar invite. If you did not receive these and would like to join the call, please contact

Service Models for Researcher-Purchased Computing and Storage: August 20th @ 1:00pm-2:30pm ET

(at the usual Systems-Facing track meeting time)

Description: The term “condo” is an umbrella term for an increasingly common family of service models for research computing and data storage in higher education. However, the way this design pattern manifests can vary greatly from one institution to another, and there’s no single answer for the right way to implement computing and data capacity for-purchase. The purpose of this call will be to discuss approaches to researcher-purchased capacity from a variety of perspectives, including systems professionals, support and facilitation professionals, researchers, and other stakeholders.  Discussion areas will include ownership models, funding and purchase strategies, user experience/policy considerations, hosting and operational support, etc.  Discussion will consist of a panel format with a series of short site introductions by representatives of diverse service models, followed by a longer Q&A.  To accommodate the multiple perspectives and facets, this call will be 90 minutes long.

Zoom coordinates (usual) have been distributed via email to the People Network email list, or can be requested via

Announcing the RCD CM 2020 Community Data participation window

Version 1.0 of the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model (RCDCM) was released in Spring of 2020. We will aggregate contributed assessment data from the community, and make this available in the Fall. If you complete an institutional assessment and contribute your results to the 2020 Community Data collection by August 30 (deadline extended to September 27) you will get access to the detailed version of the data, allowing you to benchmark your institution’s program relative to peer institutions.

We know there is broad interest in having a community dataset. 88% of the institutions who have requested to use the Assessment tool listed “Benchmarking of current service offerings” as an intended use of the model. Users of the model are fairly diverse: as of early summer, there are over 70 institutions representing 32 states, both public and private, and a mix of R1s, R2s, and institutions with emerging research programs. As more institutions participate, the more useful the Community Cata collection becomes!

Continue reading “Announcing the RCD CM 2020 Community Data participation window”

Catch CaRCC at PEARC20!

The PEARC20 Virtual Conference (July 27-31) has posted the schedule that includes many great workshops, tutorials, presentations, and panels.  

Here are some of the CaRCC-related activities you won’t want to miss: