People Network Calls to Ring in the New Year!

Mark your calendars for the below People Network Calls in January (Zoom details at the end). For handy calendar entries, please try the CaRCC Events Calendar. We’d also like to highlight other calls from our RCD Ecosystem partners and collaborators, as these events touch many, if not all, in our community.

Additionally, note that we are repeating the CaRCC Parade this year, an opportunity to learn about CaRCC and to hear directly from group coordinators on updates and advances over the past year. 

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New NSF award for Research Computing and Data Resource and Career Center

We’re delighted to announce NSF funding for a pilot CoE to build upon the work of several CaRCC working groups and advance support for RCD Professionals.

The new Research Computing and Data Resource and Career Center will create tools, practices, and professional development resources to support individuals and institutions. The main areas of emphasis include:

The RCD Resource and Career Center portal will gather these and related tools and resources together to support the community. We will place strong emphasis on helping to bridge the gap for smaller institutions that are struggling to get RCD programs started to support their researchers.

We are also excited to continue the work together with the various organizations that currently support RCD professionals and coordinate our respective work to provide a clear voice advocating for the profession. 

 Read the full announcement on the Internet2 website.

Catch CaRCC at PEARC20!

The PEARC20 Virtual Conference (July 27-31) has posted the schedule that includes many great workshops, tutorials, presentations, and panels.  

Here are some of the CaRCC-related activities you won’t want to miss:

CaRCC and Related Activities that Happened at PEARC19!

PEARC19 happened in Chicago July 28-August 1, 2019. There were a number of CaRCC and/or CaRCC related activities that took place and summaries of some of these may be of interest to the community (note that errors or omissions are the responsibility of

December 2018 – news update

…from CaRCC Council Chair Thomas Cheatham and the leadership team:

Happy Holiday Season and winter from CaRCC! I am happy to see that CaRCC is making significant headway in its goals ranging from shoring up the internal workings and operations to significant progress with the various working groups. We have a better handle on document and meeting management, and are enabling the various working groups to more easily disseminate their information and get feedback. Feedback from some members of the larger ecosystem has people noting that they associate CaRCC with products for the community.

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Summary of CaRCC reset meeting

A group of us (*) recently met in Denver for a 1-day “re-sync” meeting to brainstorm on where CaRCC is– in terms of outcomes and lessons learned– and also, importantly, to discuss where CaRCC should be going. We summarized the activities and outcomes of each of the present committees. Broad themes we discussed included the need to avoid duplication of efforts, to embrace and honor existing identities, to fill gaps, and for CaRCC to serve as a catalytic space to define professionalization in ways that campuses can leverage and that represents connections across communities. Success that has already happened is that many institutions
have recognized the need for researcher-facing people to help researchers with their computing and data resource needs. Further development of an engagement framework and defining the broader ecosystem is on-going work.

Continue reading “Summary of CaRCC reset meeting”