Blue Waters User Call 12/17/18

Please join us for the next Blue Waters User call, Monday, December17th at 1PM Central. We value your input. We will discuss on the call: NSF Leadership-Class Computing Allocations Dear Colleague Letter Discount Reminder Recent Events Recent and Future Changes. Outstanding Issues. Utilization, Usage, and other metrics. Upcoming Opportunities.. Slides will be posted to … Continue reading "Blue Waters User Call 12/17/18"

CC – All Champions Call Dec 2018

Please join us for our All Champions call on Tuesday, December 18th at 3pm ET -- 2pm CT -- 1pm MT -- noon PT. We will be receiving an overview of our Champions Climate Study results. We hope you will be able to attend. The agenda and call coordinates are below. December 18th Agenda: … Continue reading "CC – All Champions Call Dec 2018"

Researcher Facing Call – Jan 2019 – Crowdsourcing Training Friction Points

Our topic is "Crowdsourcing Training Friction Points", with the not-so-subtle goal of facilitating community-sourced single-topic, short lessons for training and learning gaps. We will also devote a portion of the call to Open Mic, opening the floor to any topic for discussion with the group. Taking a page from Christina's December call playbook (thanks!), if … Continue reading "Researcher Facing Call – Jan 2019 – Crowdsourcing Training Friction Points"

XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop Jan 2016

Satellite Site Invitation for the XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop Series XSEDE is pleased to announce a regular series of remote workshops on High Performance Computing topics.  These hands-on workshops provide a convenient way for researchers to learn about the latest techniques and technologies of current interest in HPC.  We are currently accepting satellite sites for: … Continue reading "XSEDE HPC Monthly Workshop Jan 2016"

EDUCAUSE CCCG call – Jan 2019 – Small college cloud needs

nstitutions of all sizes are trying to determine whether, when and how to move core infrastructure and/or development to the public cloud. The January EDUCAUSE Cloud Computing Community Group (CCCG) monthly call will focus on the questions and challenges faced by smaller higher ed institutions. Some of those questions are the same as for larger schools … Continue reading "EDUCAUSE CCCG call – Jan 2019 – Small college cloud needs"

Champions Workshop: Version Control with git and github – Jan 2019

Champions Workshop: Version Control with git and github This will be an introductory tutorial to git and github showing examples on creating repositories and backing-up data with git and github. Several use-cases will be also be shown to provide insight on how to collaborate through github. Tuesday, January 29th at 3pm ET -- 2pm CT -- 1pm … Continue reading "Champions Workshop: Version Control with git and github – Jan 2019"

CC Community Chat – Feb 2019

Reminder that we will have our Community Chat call next Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 2PM Central/3PM Eastern. Non-Agenda (feel free to add anything that YOU would like to talk about to this document): Based on feedback from a Community Chat a few months ago, I have invited fellow Champion Trey Breckenridge (Mississippi State University) … Continue reading "CC Community Chat – Feb 2019"

researcher-facing call Feb 2019

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays) CyberAmbassadors: Complex Conversations, discussion facilitated by Dirk Colbry (Michigan State University) Thursday, February 14th, 1p ET/12p CT/11a MT/10a PT All calls will take place using Zoom: Zoom Meeting Room: One tap mobile: +16699006833,,3816547290# US (San Jose); +16465588656,,3816547290# US (New York) Dial by your location : +1 669 900 6833 US … Continue reading "researcher-facing call Feb 2019"