
Please mark your calendars for a special session with Cloudbank for the Campus Champions and CaRCC People Network: Title: CloudBank: Managed Services to Simplify Cloud Access for Computer Science Research and Education Speakers: Mike Norman, SDSC Director and PI of CloudBank; Shava Smallen, SDSC Research Programmer and Co-PI of CloudBank Wednesday May 27, 2020 Time: … Continue reading "CloudBank"

Gateway Focus Week (Science Gateways Community Institute)

Looking to build a sustainability plan for your gateway? Planning to write your next funding proposal? Gateway Focus Week helps software and website projects get to the next level. Gateway Focus Week is a five-day intensive workshop that has been carefully designed to benefit teams who want to ensure the sustainability of their gateway projects. … Continue reading "Gateway Focus Week (Science Gateways Community Institute)"

Researcher-Facing Track Call, June 2020

Researcher-Facing Track, Thursday Jun 11, 2020 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT/ 8am HT Title: How are we doing? A discussion on philosophies/culture, approaches, and tools for understanding creation of knowledge, metrics, and impact Presenter(s): Researcher-Facing Steering Committee Description: Our recent calls, from handling support requests via various tools/modes, to remote work for … Continue reading "Researcher-Facing Track Call, June 2020"

Jumpstart Your Sustainability Plan: Free Virtual Mini-Course for All!

Interested in developing a sustainability strategy for your gateway? Sign up now for the Jumpstart Your Sustainability Plan mini-course! It’s free, and we’re offering it virtually. Tuesday-Thursday, June 16-18, 2020 With main presentations that will take place 12-1:30 pm ET each day, and optional office hours and special topics presentations from 2-5 pm ET Register … Continue reading "Jumpstart Your Sustainability Plan: Free Virtual Mini-Course for All!"

Emerging Centers Track Call – June 2020

Emerging Centers Track, Wednesday June 17, 2020 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT/ 7am HT Title: Center Budget Construction Facilitators: Jason Simms, Dane Skow, Rich Knepper The Emerging Centers track will discuss activities around constructing center budgets and providing justification for what’s in them.  We’ll talk about base-funded versus cost-recovery models, maybe some … Continue reading "Emerging Centers Track Call – June 2020"

Systems-Facing Track Call

Thursday, June 18th @ 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10a PT Call Coordinates (Zoom): Due to the recent trend in ZoomBombing, please contact the S-F Track Chairs for the Zoom call information, and please include your name and affiliation. Join the CaRCC People Network: Join us also on Slack:

Data-Facing Track Call

Data-Facing Track First Tuesday of every month 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT/ 8am HT Track Info: What data to keep? Making decisions about confocal microscopy data Zoom details sent via email to the People Network.  Join here: