Join Us for July People Network Calls

Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network virtual meetings. (For handy calendar entries please try the CaRCC Events Calendar.)

Data-Facing Track (first Tuesdays)

Tuesday, July 7, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

What data to keep? — Making decisions about confocal microscopy data

Presenters: Huajin Wang, Librarian/ Program Director for Open Science & Data Collaborations, Carnegie Mellon University Libraries and Susan Ivey, Research Data & Infrastructure Librarian, NC State University Libraries

As the quantity and volume of data produced by research increases exponentially, it has become increasingly challenging to preserve and reproduce data. Traditionally, researchers have often created their own workflows and their own data storage solutions, but this is no longer sustainable, making collaborations and data sharing challenging. On the other hand, data librarians are tasked with helping researchers share and preserve their data, but understanding specific types of data and how to maximize reuse can be difficult. Large and complex data exist in a variety of disciplinary areas, and one example is confocal microscopy data. In April 2019, the Data Curation Network held their 2nd Data Curators Workshop at Johns Hopkins University. Susan Ivey, Amy Koshoffer, Gretchen Sneff, and Huajin Wang formed a group to address many of these issues associated with confocal microscopy data. During this July’s Data-Facing Call, we’ll go into detail about common workflow and challenges that researchers face when working with confocal microscopy data and give an overview of our “Confocal Microscopy Data: A Primer for Curators,” which we created to help those tasked with curating this type of data. We’ll also present some of the use cases that we used to inform this work and invite the audience to think about how to best preserve and share these data.

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays)

Thursday, July 9, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Big Data, Big Compute Solutions, a community discussion

Continue reading “Join Us for July People Network Calls”

People Network Meetings in June

Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network virtual meetings. (For handy calendar entries, see the CaRCC Events Calendar.)

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays)

Thursday, June 11th, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Topic: How are we doing? A discussion on philosophies/culture, approaches, and tools for understanding creation of knowledge, metrics, and impact 

Our recent calls, from handling support requests via various tools/modes, to remote work for support/consultations and training, to working with your (remote) team in this unprecedented time, have been an unexpected but fruitful journey. This month we close the loop: from your overall efforts of the team — both internal- and external-facing work — and via processes and tools, what is your philosophy on and how are you measuring your activities and impact? What information do you gather around internal- or researcher-facing activities? Are you using approaches or tools that harness NLP, ML, or predictive analytics? And do you have specific goals that you strive towards? Join us and share. 

Emerging Centers Track (third Wednesdays)

Wednesday, June 17, 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT/ 7am HT

Continue reading “People Network Meetings in June”

People Network Virtual Meetings in May!

Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network virtual meetings.
(For handy calendar entries please try the CaRCC Events Calendar. NEW Zoom call details distributed via email!)

Special Multi-Track Call, May 20: Student Workers: Community Panel

Data-Facing Track, Emerging-Centers Track, Systems-Facing Track

Wednesday, May 20, 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT/ 7am HT
Note: The Data-Facing and Systems-Facing calls will NOT happen at their normal times in May; please join the joint call above instead.

Join us for a community panel on effectively incorporating student workers into research computing and data groups.  Topics will include: hiring, development, structuring student positions, work assignments, challenges, managing remote work, and training.  Bring your questions for the panelists.

Panelists: Amy Neeser (University of California Berkeley); Tony Elam (University of Kentucky); Colby Witherup Wood and Alper Kinaci (Northwestern University); Amy Work and Stephanie Labou (University of California San Diego); Betsy Hillery (Purdue University); Joanne Luciano (University of the Virgin Islands); Brian Haymore (University of Utah); Troy Baer (OSC)

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays)

Thursday, May 14th, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Title: Working with Your Team Remotely

Description: Let’s continue the discussion around remote support and how you make it work. This month, we’ll focus on how you work with your team – how have your collaboration objectives with your team shifted given our work-at-home reality? How effective have they been? What would you do differently? And what has surprised you?  Add your comments and questions to the call document in advance of the start of the meeting or anytime throughout the call!

Continue reading “People Network Virtual Meetings in May!”

People Network Virtual Meetings in April

Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network virtual meetings. (For handy calendar entries please try the CaRCC Events Calendar.)

Data-Facing Track (first Tuesdays)

Tuesday, April 7th, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Data-facing work in XSEDE Extended Collaborative Support Services (ECSS), Sergiu Sanielevici (PSC)

Description: The Extended Collaborative Support Service (ECSS) improves the productivity of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) user community through collaborations to optimize their applications, their work and data flows, and engages practitioners of disciplines that have not traditionally used advanced cyberinfrastructure (ACI). Novel & Innovative Projects (NIP) has the primary responsibility within ECSS for this latter task. NIP provides mentoring to help projects be successful and advice on the use of technologies such as virtual environments, machine learning, virtualization and containers. INIP is now focused on helping AI and “big data” projects on novel SP resources scheduled to enter production in 2020, including Bridges-2 at PSC and Expanse at SDSC.

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays)

Thursday, April 9th, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Continue reading “People Network Virtual Meetings in April”

People Network Virtual Meetings Update

Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network virtual meetings.
(For handy calendar entries please try the CaRCC Events Calendar.)

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays)

Thursday, March 12th, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

User support via Ask.CI and locales, a panel & community discussion

Description: We’ve explored various modalities for user support that all have the strengths and weaknesses. We’d like to focus this month on Ask.CI, a ‘StackOverFlow’-like site for research computing Q&A and discussion, and which can be localized for your organization while yet still remaining a part of the larger whole. Join us for what will be an interesting call on Ask.CI and how it has changed approaches to user support.

Emerging Centers Track (third Wednesdays)

Wednesday, March 18th, 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT/ 7am HT

OpenOnDemand discussion, Alan Chalker

Continue reading “People Network Virtual Meetings Update”

Upcoming People Network Calls

Greetings to the CaRCC People Network and extended community! Below is the list of monthly track calls and topics (also visible in the CaRCC Events Calendar):

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays)

Thurs, 2/13, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Doing it in public: User support via Slack, open forums, Github repos and blogs, a panel and community discussion

Description: To address the increasing number of support requests in research computing, we need to leverage strategies to amplify our support efforts. One such strategy is to provide support in public environments like Slack, open forums, Github repos and blogs which allows consultants to answer questions once and encourage researchers to support each other. Please join us as we explore the benefits and pitfalls of this approach.

Emerging Centers Track (third Wednesdays)

Continue reading “Upcoming People Network Calls”

People Network Calls in January 2020

Greetings to the CaRCC People Network and extended community!

Below is the list of monthly track calls and topics (also visible in the CaRCC Events Calendar):

Data-Facing Track (first Tuesdays, 1pm ET)

Roundtable / Open Discussion

Tuesday, January 7th 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Help identify and prioritize topics for future calls! This month’s call will be an open forum to discuss the direction of the track and brainstorming call topic ideas. What would you like to see more (or less) of? Who can we partner with or add to the conversation?

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays, 1pm ET)

Continue reading “People Network Calls in January 2020”

People Network Calls Through December 2019

Greetings to the CaRCC People Network and extended community!

So that everyone is aware of calls hosted by our tracks, we are sending out an announcement of all calls through the end of the year. (Also visible in the CaRCC Events Calendar.)

Data-Facing Track (first Tuesdays, 1pm ET)

Data Science Support Beyond Data Science, discussion facilitated by Wei Yin (Columbia) and Stephanie Labou (UC San Diego)

Tuesday, December 3rd 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Data librarians may become “data science” librarians by necessity, if they are not already serving in this role. In this call, we will provide an overview of the particulars of two libraries’ data science support beyond data science (e.g., across departments, collaborating with IT, etc.)  and have an open discussion of how other groups are dealing with similar support needs.

JANUARY 7 – Identify/prioritize topics for the coming year!

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays, 1pm ET)

Continue reading “People Network Calls Through December 2019”

Monthly Line-Up of People Network Calls

Greetings to all members of the CaRCC People Network!

So that all members of the People Network are aware of calls hosted by our tracks, we are sending out an announcement of all calls scheduled for the month. (Also visible in the CaRCC Events Calendar.)

Data-Facing Track (first Tuesdays, 1pm ET)

Library and IT Collaboration on Data Services, discussion facilitated by Amy Neeser (UC Berkeley) and Tobin Magle (UW Madison)

Tuesday, October 1st, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

The session will include a series of lightning round style case studies from a variety of institutions whose libraries and IT departments are collaborating.  This will be followed by a discussion about these approaches and collaboration more broadly. 

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays, 1pm ET)

Continue reading “Monthly Line-Up of People Network Calls”

Announcing the Emerging Centers track!

The Emerging Centers track of the CaRCC People Network will bring together members of research computing departments/ aspiring centers that are just getting started at their institutions, research computing groups at smaller institutions, and folks who are new to the research computing community.  The Emerging Centers track of CaRCC will discuss topics such as funding models, engaging with faculty and investigators, working with campus leadership, and developing research computing/data services (compute, storage, networks, training, applications and people) on campuses. 

The first Emerging Centers call will take place September 18 at 12pm ET to introduce the initial members to each other and identify a list of topics for future discussion. In order to join the Emerging Centers track (via email list), fill out the Emerging Centers joining form, which will also collect information about your interest in potential discussion topics.  For questions or details, contact track coordinators Jane Combs ( and Rich Knepper ( 

The CaRCC (Campus Research Computing Consortium) People Network, aims “to foster, build and grow an inclusive community (termed the “People Network”) for campus CI, research computing and data professionals.” If you would like to join other People Network tracks, too, which includes Data-facing, Researcher-facing, Systems-facing, and other tracks, please fill in the form at