Monthly Line-Up of People Network Calls

Greetings to all members of the CaRCC People Network!

So that all members of the People Network are aware of calls hosted by our tracks, we are sending out an announcement of all calls scheduled for the month. (Also visible in the CaRCC Events Calendar.)

Data-Facing Track (first Tuesdays, 1pm ET)

Mapping the Research Life Cycle, discussion facilitated by Bart Ragon (UVA) and Yoh Yawano (UCLA)

Tuesday, September 3rd 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Bart and Yoh will be talking about the different stages of the research life cycle, mapping the stages to different groups at their institutions, and helping us do a similar exercise for our own institutions.  We’ll be discussing how support for research data comes in at multiple stages in the research life cycle and which organizations at our institutions provide that support.

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays, 1pm ET)

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Monthly Line-Up of People Network Calls

Greetings Research CI Professionals!

So that all members of the People Network are aware of calls hosted by our tracks, we are sending out an announcement of all calls scheduled for the month. (Also visible in the CaRCC Events Calendar.)

Data-Facing Track (first Tuesdays, 1pm ET)

“Data pipeline case studies” with Tylar Murray of USF and Ryan Chard of Argonne National Laboratory. Tylar will give an overview of an Apache Airflow-based pipeline for processing satellite imagery and discuss possibilities for future improvements. Ryan will preview a data automation platform that is currently in alpha release but will eventually be available via a Globus subscription.

Tuesday, Aug 6th, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT

Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays, 1pm ET)

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